When using eminent domain laws, the government has the ability to take property from landowners. This property can then be used in certain ways, generally for projects that are of a benefit to the public. In other words, government officials cannot take property to...
Texas Energy Law Blog
How does oil and gas leasing work?
Allowing an oil or gas company on your property and giving them the right to extract natural resources therein can be intimidating but also lucrative for property owners. To protect their interests, these individuals must fully understand the agreements they're...
Why are title opinions so crucial in Texas?
If you are a landowner or energy company in Texas, you have likely heard of a title opinion. And if you haven't, there's a good chance you'll need one in the future. But what is a title opinion? And what purpose does it serve? To shed some light on these questions,...
How can property owners protect themselves from eminent domain?
Property rights have extensive statutory protection at both the federal and state levels. As a result, those who invest in land or real property either as a residence or an investment, typically trust that they will have control over that property as long as they pay...
What are the risks of an oil or gas lease on farm or ranch land?
Ranch or farm land sometimes needs to sit fallow to allow the soil to rest. Both nutrient depletion and pests may cause downturns in agricultural production or a specific farm or ranch operation. Therefore, those trying to make a living off the land in Texas are often...
Will new legislation make renewable energy more expensive?
Texas has been an oil and gas state for decades. One of the reasons the economy in the Lone Star State is so strong is the establishment of numerous oil and gas operations, ranging from extraction operations at wells installed around the state to refining facilities...
2 tips for maximizing compensation in an eminent domain case
What someone invests in real property can be a bid for a brighter future with hopes for a long-term return on that investment. For many others, their mortgage could be as much as 30% of their monthly income, and they may spend even more than that trying to improve and...
Local renewable energy production can reduce Texas grid strain
With the summer heat looming, many property owners and policymakers across Texas have begun expressing concern. In recent years, strain on the electrical grid during inclement weather, including heat waves, has led to brownouts and rolling blackouts that have left...
Wind energy is the second leading energy form used in Texas
Deciding to invest in renewable energy production can be a smart move for businesses and landowners in Texas. The state has a massive and growing demand for energy, and the natural environment is ideal for several kinds of renewable energy production, including wind...
When can a private entity exercise eminent domain?
The power of eminent domain is crucial to the government's ability to take private property for public use. However, in Texas, private entities may also be authorized to exercise eminent domain under certain circumstances. Private entities may use eminent domain to...